Wednesday, February 25, 2009
PC World: New, Misguided Online Child-Safety Laws Will Hurt Business
Ahhh, we're all just paranoid. We need the Federal government to save us from ourselves. We're all NUTS!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Friday, February 13, 2009
Oh Geithner!
Washington, DC – U.S. Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner met today with Russian Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin in Rome, Italy, the site of the G-7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors meeting.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Barack Oprahma
It was a charismatic African American host discussing the subject of the day; so far so good.
The oddball audience members asking for giveaways; we're getting warmer.
The cheers of the crowd when the odd audience member acts ridiculous, like the 4 year Mcdonalds' employee and his heavy, breathy praises to G-d for President Obama.
I half expected Mr. Obama to hand out a ham and an issue of "O Magazine" to all of the guests.
I just hope our next President doesn't go all "Jerry Springer" with his townhall meetings. Oh no! Our next President could actually be Jerry Springer. Aye Carumba!
Letters to the Senators
To Senator Bob Casey(D):
Senator Casey please do not choose your party over your country. You are a public servant and as such it is your constitutional obligation to defend the Constitution, not to destroy it.
Where in the Constitution does it validate the enormous burden that you are about to place upon the shoulders of my children and grandchildren?
I implore you to vote no on the stimulus bill and then sit down with your colleagues, Democrat and Republican, and craft a bill that is more focused in it's scope.
It should remove Mark to Market accounting rules.
If you want people to open their pockets and invest, cut capital gains taxes, wage taxes, and corporate taxes.
Why not try these solutions before jumping the gun and doing something so incredibly drastic and intrusive as the stimulus in its current form obviously is.
I implore you Mr. Casey; VOTE NO.
To Senator Arlen Specter(R):
Senator Specter I do not know what to say to you at this point. You obviously have nothing but disdain for your constituants. You may have had power over us through your government career for many many years, but one would think that your health problems, horrible as they must have been, would have humbled you and reminded you that you are only human just like the rest of us.
You are a public servant; a very noble career choice. As such it is your constitutional obligation to defend the Constitution, not to destroy it.
Where in the Constitution does it validate the enormous burden that you are about to place upon the shoulders of my children and grandchildren?
I implore you to vote no on the stimulus bill and then sit down with your colleagues, Democrat and Republican, and craft a bill that is more focused in it's scope.
It should remove Mark to Market accounting rules first and foremost.
If you want people to open their pockets and invest, cut capital gains taxes, wage taxes, and corporate taxes.
Why not try these solutions before jumping the gun and doing something so incredibly drastic and intrusive as the stimulus in its current form obviously is.
In fact, after the 2 ideas listed above, please encourage President Obama, your Congressional colleagues, and the Fed to put a moratorium on government action regarding the economy for at least 6 months, and put out a public statement to that effect.
Give the free market a chance. You and I both know that the system is bottled up with anxiety wondering what the government is going to do next. With the moratorium, you can relieve that anxiety and allow things to start moving again.
I am not an economist, but I do pay attention.
I implore you Mr. Specter; VOTE NO.
"G-d I hope I don't get audited because of these."
A New Way for a Green Government
"No bill written in either house of congress, or negotiated in a conference committee shall exceed 10 pages."
Think of all of the trees that could be saved by eliminating more than 990 pages from a bill like the "stimulus" bill.
Think of all of the electricity that could be saved by writing a mere 10 pages on the computer and then shutting down the computer and turning off the lights.
Think of the decrease in staffing necessary for the legislative branch that eliminating all of those pages could facilitate. They could significantly cut our taxes with the money saved by not paying all of those attorneys and typists.
Think of all of the eye strain that could be avoided by our new President having to spend late nights reading all 1000+ pages.
In all seriousness, we have Congressman and Senators voting on a bill that they could not possibly have read cover to cover. A bill that includes so many things that are anethema to the goals that were set out to be achieved. It gives the appearance of something sinister.
If bills were limited to 10 pages or less, we could assure the ability of our representatives to know exactly what they are voting for or against, and prevent the bill writers from offering pork for votes or inserting unintended provisions, because there would not be any room for them.
But most importantly, we would be decreasing the carbon footprint of our government and that is really much more important than our liberty anyway. Isn't it?