There is nothing more fundamental to a Presidency however, than the President’s oath of office, to protect and defend the Constitution. That is the job of every President, and Obama is no different.
It is understood by a vast majority of the American People, that this healthcare bill is unconstitutional (a good, but by no means comprehensive, explanation as to why can be found here:
I submit that the President is aware of this as well. He has been quoted, and video taped talking about fundamentally transforming the country, as has his frequent White House guest Andy Stern (SEIU) and several of Obama’s high level staff members (Van Jones et. al.) His track record of leaving the American People in charge of their own lives, liberty and pursuit of happiness, as the founders intended, has been atrocious.
A convincing argument can be made that George W. Bush should also have been impeached for the Patriot Act among other things. There is no argument that can be made that can justify the Constitutionality of the Federal government taking ownership of GM, part of Chrysler (the other portion being given to Unions), AIG, Bank of America, etc.
If he is willfully undermining the Constitution, thereby breaking his oath of office, then come November, when the Presidents party loses control, the proceedings to remove him should begin. This can not be cast as his personal business, as this an actual affront to the God given freedoms that he is sworn to protect above all else. The Republicans should not allow politics get in the way of protecting our nation. We the people must make sure that they do not.
If a President cannot be impeached for this, then I ask you, for what can you impeach a President?