Thursday, January 28, 2010

Who Does the Campaign Finance Decision Really Benefit?

We hear all of the bluster from the Democrats bemoaning the decision from the Supreme Court last week.  But haven’t we known for quite some time now that the Democrats receive more in corporate donations than do the Republicans.  Put that together with the money it is now legal for Unions to spend, and it is obvious who benefits most from this decision.  Why, the Democrats ofcourse.

For example, according to Barack Obama in 2008 raised $803,436 from Google alone, that’s more from one corporation than three of McCain’s donors put together (also corporations).  Add to that another 800k from Microsoft, almost a cool million from Goldman Sachs and oh, 1.5 million from University of California.  If, instead of donating to the campaign (or in addition) these corporations ran ads.  A formidable force for the Progressive movement.  This does not even take into account the unions.

Am I missing something?  Or this all just posturing by the Democrats?  And why would they do that?

Thursday, January 21, 2010

A Theory on the Brown Victory

Call me a cynic, but do you think it is at all possible that Democrats in the House and possibly the Senate found a way to covertly help Brown win in Massachusetts

I don’t want to take anything away from the Tea Party movement, because I know how hard they worked and how effective they were, but his victory was a huge gift to Democrats in the House.

Many of these members may have been forced to swallow the pill (pun intended) of the horrible “Healthcare” legislation by party leadership.  “Support the President’s agenda or face the consequences,” I can hear Axelrod and Pelosi saying.

I have heard rumblings that some of these house members may have voted for the legislation due to the pressure, and with the belief that the legislation would die in the Senate.  How’d that work out for them?

We the American People ended up in a Progressive Powered sports car heading toward a cliff and the only exit ramp left available was to remove the filibuster proof majority in the Senate. We in the Tea Party, and the Grassroots of the country new that.  I think these House Democrats new that as well.  It is the perfect excuse for them to come out and refuse to vote for the bill.  There are just too many things they don’t like in the Senate bill, but the House bill was dandy.  Ok..sure.

I am loath to give any credit to the Democrats right now.  No matter what the reason, the destruction of my nation and my Constitution is too stiff a price to pay to protect a career as a Democrat.  Those who voted for that bill as well as Cap and Trade and the Stimulus should all be removed from office this year.

But if you do some digging, I would be interested to see how many degrees of separation there are between some of the support for Brown, and some of the Democrats in the House.